Group Fitness


AthlefitDelivered as an 8 week programme, these sessions include cardio mixed with with strength & conditioning exercises.

All done in a woman-friendly, non-competitive format, allowing you to work at your preferred level together with lots of support and encouragement.

A great class for the first-time exerciser or new to circuits.

Every Monday at 7pm in Sutton Benger Village Hall


Group PT Sessions

woman-1979258__340Available for you and up to 3 friends. As with individual personal training, I will initially meet with you for a free consultation to find out what you want to achieve, why and how we can best work towards this. Then we will pick a time and place to suit you and I will provide a personalised training session for you and your friends. You get to enjoy the social aspect of working out with your friends, whilst working towards your fitness goals at a cost effective price.

2:1 Personal Training £350 per 10 week block (£17.50 per person, per week)

3:1 Personal Training £420 per 10 week block (£14 per person, per week)

4:1 Personal Training £440 per 10 week block (£11 per person, per week)



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